March 1, 2021
Cassandra Lowe New APS Rising Star
Cassandra Lowe has just been named one of the Association for Psychological Science's (APS) Rising Stars. This recognition is presented to outstanding researchers in the earliest stages of their research career following their PhD. Congratulations Cassandra!
March 11, 2020
Cassandra Lowe Interviewed by CTV
CTV News interviewed Cassandra Lowe regarding her latest publication in The Lancet Child and Adolescent journal.
February 28, 2020
Faculty of Social Science Hosts Workshop on Mobile Measurement Technology
Organized by Dr. Morton, 50 researchers and interested students attended a full-day workshop that brought together developmental scholars engaged in international studies of child development and innovators of mobile measurement technology. The goal of the workshop was to foster discussion of the possibilities and pitfalls associated with the use of mobile technology in the international study of child development.
July 17, 2019
Cassandra Lowe Newest CIHR Fellowship Recipient
Cassandra Lowe was awarded an esteemed Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR) Fellowship award for her research in cognitive neuroscience. Well done Cassandra!
March 1, 2019
Cassandra Lowe Receives Media Attention for her Research!
Cassandra Lowe's recently published paper in the high-impact journal Trends in Cognitive Neuroscience garnered some much deserved media attention. Watch Cassandra's television interview with CTV.
March 9, 2018
J. Bruce Morton Recipient of Healthy Brains for Healthy Lives Funding
The Healthy Brains for Health Lives (HBHL) Research Management Committee in conjunction with HBHL's Strategic steering Committee approved funding today for 12 projects. Dr. Morton, along with his collaborators, will be receiving an Innovative Ideas Award.
June 22, 2017
Western News Interviews J. Bruce Morton and Niki Kamkar
Dr. Morton and Niki Kamkar spoke to Western News about their recent paper looking at adversity and reward processing in children.
April 1, 2016
Mazen El-Baba Awarded a Second Scholarship
Mazen El-Baba has just been awarded an NSERC (Natural Sciences and Engineering Council of Canada) Doctoral Scholarship. Well done Maz!
Nov. 9, 2015
Opening of the Mary J. Wright Research and Education Centre
From: Chris Montanini, Londoner
The Mary J. Wright Research and Education Centre at Merrymount will officially open its doors in January 2016. This new centre will allow for cross-disciplinary research and the application of evidence-based tools for screening and intervention. One of the signature areas of research will be environmental effects on brain development. Dr. J. Bruce Morton and Dr. Elizabeth Hayden will be working in collaboration with the Centre to study the impact of early adversity on brain development. They hope to develop interventions that will mitigate the long-term effects of traumatic circumstances experienced by children.
June 25, 2015
Graduate Students Receive External Funding
Mazen El-Baba and Niki Hosseini-Kamkar, two graduate students in the Cognitive Development and Neuroimaging Lab, recently learned that they received external funding. Mazen has received an Ontario Graduate Scholarship (OGS). Niki has been awarded an NSERC (Natural Sciences and Engineering Council of Canada) Doctoral Scholarship. Congratulations Maz and Niki!
May 19, 2015
Dr. Morton Talks to CBC Radio International About Attention Spans
Dr. Morton is interviewed by Lynn Desjardins from CBC Radio International about research from Microsoft Corp. that suggests that human attention span has gone from 12 seconds in 2000 to only 8 seconds in 2013.